influence number中文什么意思

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  1. Therefore , the safety of bulk carrier is widely concerned ; the theory of insubmersibility is followed by the introductions of domestic and international regulations , solutions , rules and requirements on the floodability ; introduced are the conditions of hold in flooded condition , and provided are the calculation methodology of the stability and buoyancy when flooding . the concept of cargo permeability is concretely defined , and the calculation methods of the amount of flooding waters are executed ; the application of the influence numbers simplify the calculation of the still water bending moment and shearing force in flooded conditions . a new method to calculate the maximum still water bending moment and shearing force is developed by means of the influence numbers ; the simulation system provides a means of evaluation and forecast on ship ' s danger extent after ship is damaged


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  4. influence mine 什么意思
  5. influence mine firing system 什么意思
  6. influence of aging on 什么意思
  7. influence of ambient pressure 什么意思
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  9. influence of color 什么意思
  10. influence of feudal ideology 什么意思


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